Breastfeeding : Why so important?

Every new mother discovers her motherhood through breastfeeding her baby. Breastfeeding is one of the most amazing act of motherhood. When my daughter was born, I was a new mother. At first I found it very difficult to breastfeed her. She was not sucking the milk properly. But after proper guidance from the doctor, I leaned the proper holding position of a baby while breastfeeding. So when I became mother for the second time, I do not find any difficulties in breastfeeding my son. It is recommended by the doctors that breastfeeding should ideally start in the first hour after a baby born. Mother's milk is considered to be the best food for an infant. It consists all the required nutrients that a baby's body needs for the first 6 month's of age. You no need to feed anything else except your milk if you are able to produce enough milk for your baby. Doctors recommend to introduce solid food to the babies only after 6 month...