
Breastfeeding : Why so important?

  Every  new mother  discovers her motherhood through  breastfeeding  her baby.  Breastfeeding is one of the most amazing act of motherhood. When my daughter was born, I was a new mother. At first I found it very difficult to breastfeed her. She was not sucking the milk properly. But after proper guidance from the doctor, I leaned the proper holding position of a baby while breastfeeding. So when I became mother for the second time,  I do not find any difficulties in breastfeeding my son. It is recommended by the doctors that breastfeeding should ideally start in the first hour after a baby born.  Mother's milk  is considered to be the  best food for an infant.  It consists all the required nutrients that a baby's body needs for the first 6 month's of age. You no need to feed anything else except your milk if you are able to produce enough milk for your baby. Doctors recommend to introduce solid food to the babies only after 6 month...

Crèche or Day Care Center

Crèche or creche or  day care center  is a place where working parents keep their child when they are at work.  Working parents faces many obstacles in raising their child. After the termination of maternity leave, the working mothers have to get back to their work. Indian parents generally keep their child at home with their grandparents or babysitter. But due to splits in joint families, leaving the child only with the babysitter alone at home may not be safer. There are many cases of kidnapping of the child by babysitters in India. Many women leave their jobs only because of taking care of their child. So crèche or a day care center is the only source where working parents can keep their child during their office time. The crèche culture in India is very new.  With the increasing numbers of working parents day by day,  crèches are getting very popular.   The Maternity Benefits (Amendment) Act, 2017 lays down some provisions for establishments t...

Watching Cartoons : Good or Bad

  Cartoons  are the great source of fun and entertainment for kids. My kids too love to watch cartoons   on television. Sometimes on holidays they spent the whole day in front of the television watching cartoons. But watching cartoons for a longer period may effect the eyesight. Watching cartoons may also effect kid's behaviour as most of the cartoons are based on fighting,  revenge,  jumping from the roof,  car racing etc. Further no physical activities or games may effect physical health of the kids.  So every parents must be aware of this matter, what type of cartoons you must allow your kids to watch and about how many time kids should spend in front of the television otherwise it may effect your kid's eyesight as well as mental and physical health. Bad effects of watching cartoons : Watching cartoons may have lots of bad effects on kids- Vision problems :  Spending lots of time in front of the television, laptop or mobile for watching ca...

Easy stone painting for kids

India has been on a lockdown since March 24 due to pandemic Covid 19. People are refraining from going out in leisure time. Schools are completely closed and online home classes are on. In such a situation when you are struck at home with kids having so much of leisure time specially after online classes, and on Saturdays and Sundays, this diy stone painting for kids can be a good idea to keep your kids engage in a creative activity. Stone painting is a quick, simple and cheap activity for kids. Kids love to do such activities and the good thing is that, you can use those art pieces of your kids as a decorative item in your living room or you can use it as a paperweight. So let your kids do that fun activity to boost their creativity. The materials required for Stone paintings are pieces of smooth stones of your choice, acrylic paints and paint brushes. After you collect all the materials, you can search stone painting designs by searching in the net. First wash ston...

Learn HINDI Alphabets With Proper Pronunciation

Learning Hindi alphabets with proper pronunciation is important for Indian kids. Hindi is a language spoken in India. Hindi is also an official language of India. Therefore Hindi is taught as a subject in schools in india. But Hindi is spoken by only 25% of the total Indian population. Other Indians speak their own regional language. India is a multilingual country and there are 22 regional languages recognised by the Constitution of India. So for non Hindi speaking kids, it become difficult to learn Hindi. For learning a language it is very important to learn the alphabets first with proper pronunciation. Hindi Alphabets with proper Pronunciation : स्वर  (Vowels) अ - a आ - aa इ - i ई - ee उ - u ऊ - uu ऋ - r(ri) ए - ei ऐ - ai ओ - o औ - ou अं - an अः - ah व्यंजन  (Consonants) क - ka ख - kha ग - ga घ - gha ड• - nga च - cha  छ - chh ज - ja झ - jhh ञ - na ट - ta ठ - tha ड - da द - dha ण - na त - ta थ - tha द - da ध - dha ...

10 Easy and Fun way to Teach Alphabets and Numbers to your Toddlers

Are you a new mother and searching for   ideas about how to teach alphabets and numbers to your toddler ?  Then you have come to the right place. Teaching English alphabets to toddlers or preschoolers in a non-English speaking country is sometimes may tougher for some mothers. But don't take too much stress and don't force your child. Generally at the age of 2, toddlers started to learn and remember things. But giving too much force in learning alphabets and numbers may affect your toddler's mental health.  So just relax and follow the following   10 simple steps to teach your toddlers the basic English alphabets and numbers.  1. Sing Alphabet Songs : Start teaching alphabets in a fun way.  Sing the ABC alphabet song just like a baby to attract your toddler. Ask him to sing with you.  Toddlers easily remember anything which is taught by singing. Use your mobile phone to play alphabet songs and other nursery rhymes. Use your computer or tel...

Tips to make mathematics fun for kids

Many kids found maths as hard subject. Making kids love maths is a challenge for many parents.  Sometimes parents become more scared than the kids. So it's better to start early to make maths fun for kids by using some easy techniques. Otherwise when they will grow up they will be struggling with mathematics formulas, equations and exponents. Tips to make mathematics fun for kids : 1.  Maths in real life : The easiest way to teach kids mathematics is to use real life scenarios. This way you can teach your child maths counting , addition,  subtraction and also multiplication without any pressure and without them realising that they are learning mathematics at home from real life incidents. Here are some examples : • While eating biscuits or candy,  help your child to count how many candy or biscuits he or she have,  how many he or she consumed and how many left.  This way kids will learn counting , addition and subtraction.  • Ask your ch...