
Showing posts from November, 2019

Learn HINDI Alphabets With Proper Pronunciation

Learning Hindi alphabets with proper pronunciation is important for Indian kids. Hindi is a language spoken in India. Hindi is also an official language of India. Therefore Hindi is taught as a subject in schools in india. But Hindi is spoken by only 25% of the total Indian population. Other Indians speak their own regional language. India is a multilingual country and there are 22 regional languages recognised by the Constitution of India. So for non Hindi speaking kids, it become difficult to learn Hindi. For learning a language it is very important to learn the alphabets first with proper pronunciation. Hindi Alphabets with proper Pronunciation : स्वर  (Vowels) अ - a आ - aa इ - i ई - ee उ - u ऊ - uu ऋ - r(ri) ए - ei ऐ - ai ओ - o औ - ou अं - an अः - ah व्यंजन  (Consonants) क - ka ख - kha ग - ga घ - gha ड• - nga च - cha  छ - chh ज - ja झ - jhh ञ - na ट - ta ठ - tha ड - da द - dha ण - na त - ta थ - tha द - da ध - dha न - na प - p

10 Easy and Fun way to Teach Alphabets and Numbers to your Toddlers

Are you a new mother and searching for   ideas about how to teach alphabets and numbers to your toddler ?  Then you have come to the right place. Teaching English alphabets to toddlers or preschoolers in a non-English speaking country is sometimes may tougher for some mothers. But don't take too much stress and don't force your child. Generally at the age of 2, toddlers started to learn and remember things. But giving too much force in learning alphabets and numbers may affect your toddler's mental health.  So just relax and follow the following   10 simple steps to teach your toddlers the basic English alphabets and numbers.  1. Sing Alphabet Songs : Start teaching alphabets in a fun way.  Sing the ABC alphabet song just like a baby to attract your toddler. Ask him to sing with you.  Toddlers easily remember anything which is taught by singing. Use your mobile phone to play alphabet songs and other nursery rhymes. Use your computer or television to play videos

Tips to make mathematics fun for kids

Many kids found maths as hard subject. Making kids love maths is a challenge for many parents.  Sometimes parents become more scared than the kids. So it's better to start early to make maths fun for kids by using some easy techniques. Otherwise when they will grow up they will be struggling with mathematics formulas, equations and exponents. Tips to make mathematics fun for kids : 1.  Maths in real life : The easiest way to teach kids mathematics is to use real life scenarios. This way you can teach your child maths counting , addition,  subtraction and also multiplication without any pressure and without them realising that they are learning mathematics at home from real life incidents. Here are some examples : • While eating biscuits or candy,  help your child to count how many candy or biscuits he or she have,  how many he or she consumed and how many left.  This way kids will learn counting , addition and subtraction.  • Ask your child to count the number of fur