Crèche or Day Care Center

Crèche or creche or day care center is a place where working parents keep their child when they are at work. Working parents faces many obstacles in raising their child. After the termination of maternity leave, the working mothers have to get back to their work. Indian parents generally keep their child at home with their grandparents or babysitter. But due to splits in joint families, leaving the child only with the babysitter alone at home may not be safer. There are many cases of kidnapping of the child by babysitters in India. Many women leave their jobs only because of taking care of their child. So crèche or a day care center is the only source where working parents can keep their child during their office time. The crèche culture in India is very new. With the increasing numbers of working parents day by day, crèches are getting very popular. The Maternity Benefits (Amendment) Act, 2017 lays down some provisions for establishments t...